
Welcome to the Code With Friends, Spring 2020 Project Fair! Take a look at everyone else's projects on what they worked on and learned this month! Vote on your favorite projects here!

Winners of our superlatives!
Favorite Project: LeapMask by Luca Sevà
Most Unique: Birb by Serena
Most Chill #1: RelaxingRain by BLKKKBVSIK
Most Chill #2: Digital Window by Tommy Deng, Vivian Diec
Mayuko's Next Gaming Addiction: DinoRun by Probhakar
Most Likely to Save the Planet: by GarrickBee
Most Likely to be Used by Our Robot Overlords: LeapMask by Luca Sevà

Project Name Author Summary Technologies Used README
RelaxingRain BLKKKBVSIK RelaxingRain is a Flutter app made for relaxing or focusing using animated background and ambiant sound. Flutter, Dart README
Achille's Adventure Chappy A game about the trojan war as seen from Achille's POV README
Countdown Timer L4TTiCe A simple Angular App to countdown to your favorite activities or important remainders. Angular README
CourseHelperApp Tomoaki3284 This project is for students at my university selecting the courses for future semesters with less work by utilizing various features, such as schedule visualization, filter course by various categories, etc. README
ToDoList API DuckyJN Ruby on Rails README
Automate-Your-Wardrobe ED2589 An Automate-Your-Wardrobe app using the Tkinter and Pillow modules in Python Tkinter, Pillow, Python README
File Separator App Shahibur66 A desktop app for file management in particular directory which is, separating various extension files from source folder to specific folder based on the file extensions using Python. Tinkter, Python README
9 GarrickBee Personal blog/portfolio Node, Redis, Angular, NestJS, Google Cloud, MongoDB, Cloudflare, Cloudinary README
10 GarrickBee A mask crowd-sourcing platform Codeigniter README
Meditation App Jacob Pernell An iOS audio-based meditation app SwiftUI, iOS README
Covsay JulianBD A small CLI application that prints a user's desired message in a text bubble spoken by an ACII cow (or other animal) CLI README
covidCaseDataTrackerNZ MingShaneTong Processes the Covid 19 cases in NZ and displays the daily and total case inlcuding cnfirmed and probable. README
drugInteractionChecker MingShaneTong Add drugs to the list and find out which drugs could interact Ajax README
pokemonTCGPriceChecker MingShaneTong Checks the prices of Pokemon Cards from 4 retail stores in NZ README
Puppeteer Justin Lin 1. Scott Bot - which says "Yo Scott" in a discord channel
2. A Linkedin Scraper which is able to scrape for recruiter names, titles, and Linkedin links
3. A fake email injector to give me infinite coins on a networking website called Lunchclub AI so that I can generate infinite points to target my networking
Selenium, Chromium web-scraping README
Python Microsoft Dynamic 365 Application Programming Interface YTKMe A basic Python REST API client built for Python 3.0+. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Web API README
Go Fish with Hannah the Clown Fish Angelina Brasen A game of Go Fish that is played without a GUI where the user plays against an AI called Hannah the Clown Fish README
Spotify Radio Nico An application that allows for people host their own Spotify radio stations that other Spotify Premium members can listen to in realtime. Spotify API README
Tic- Tac- Toe Game Linfeng Henry Bao The game is basically a clone version of the google tic-tac-toe game, but the game's design is way much simpler Javascript, CSS README
lightly-ocr Aaron Pham lightly's backend - receipt to text 📉 Python, Docker README
AWS-resource-chatbot trizzle21 Enables monitoring resources in AWS AWS, SQL README
Musiotic KevinBNaughton Musiotic is a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) allowing new music producers to get started with making music README
Kana Card borntobegeek A simple flashcard app for learning and practicing both hiragana and katakana and also the "double kanas" called yōon iOS README
Fitness Bud Bai Fitness Bud is (currently, a client-side only) web application that generates a random workout video from Youtube, according to the user's choice of workout category (e.g. abs workout) React.js, Nodejs README
A timer that makes you go AWWWWW David Drabik, Francis Tse A Pomodoro timer that rewards you at the end! When the timer goes to 0, you get a 🎁! It will probably be a cute cat or dog 😁 React Native README
Boba Near U dhansolo An app that will tell you the information of the nearest Boba/Bubbletea joint relative to your current location React, Node, Yelp API README
COVID-19 County Tracker dhansolo React, Node, Rapid API README
Dino Run Game Probhakar A Dino Run Game, similar to the Chrome T-Rex Run Game Flame, Flutter README
Basu Grant R A texting service to smartly help you find jobs for you Typescript, Twilio API, AWS DynamoDB README
MukosList Mayuko Inoue A SwiftUI shopping list app iOS, SwiftUI README
Let's Stay Consistent Henry Nguyen A simple web tool that will inputs exercise goals, logs progress, and keeps track of consistency. ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, Bootstrap README
Muse Andrew Zuo A Dysfunctional Programming Language JVM README
Four Player Pong Online Jennarim An online remote version of the classic arcade game Pong — but with four players. Node.js, Express, React, SocketIO README
Fitbit Clock Face Juan Garcia A custom Fitbit clock face called Yosemite Javascript, CSS, Scalable Vector Graphics README
movieRec jonnachen A 'tinder'-based web application to gather ratings for movies, and displays a movie based on a basic recommendation algorithm Python, HTML/CSS, Javascript, Flask, Heroku, Github README
Twinkle Teeth Pau Riosa An app for their dentist friend because they always wanted to have their own app that can manage appointment, messages, attachments etc React-Native and Elixir README
OneCast rahulap-dot-dev An app that allows you to cast your favorite playlists from Youtube, Spotify, SoundCloud, and Twitch. All with just a click of a button. React Native, Material Bottom Navigation, Snap Carousel, NodeJS for mobile README
Commensals Richard Jiménez A place where you can shere your thougths on food and restaurants. Cordova, Node, Android README
Brain Trainer Roman Khzouz An Android App for Practicing Vocabulary in Foreign Languages C++, Android README
Birb Serena A React Native app to help my family keep track of our birds and all necessary info about them, such as family relations, if they are currently laying eggs, when they started doing so, etc. README
EduCats William Kuang Educats aims to solve Australia's declining engagement and performance in STEM subjects by empowering students to practice for their exams with a gameful mindset. React README
Simple Inventory project VinceSanityyy A SPA web based inventory app Vuejs, Laravel README
ReactTypingTutor Sumer Sen, Vaibhav Sen Malla Simple Typing Tutor Web App Game HTML, CSS, Javascript README
Discrete Event Simulator Haikal A Discrete Event Simulator to simulate the environment of a shop where Servers serve incoming Customers! Java README
React Headless Wordpress Blog wilsonj806 A quick gardening blog that'll be built with React for the frontend and headless Wordpress as the CMS. Wodpress, AWS, React README
PyArchive Bruce Xu PyArchive is an integrated file backup solution with a web GUI that provides a number of features that make it superior to conventional backup solutions README
COVID-19 Project Alok An android application which tells the user how much this COVID-19 pandemic affected the world till now. Android README
Book-saver Yuhi Koizumi Book-saver is a visual reminder of how much unread books on your bookshelf are worth and helps you stop letting books pile up unread. Nuxt.js, Firebase, Netlify README
LeapMask Luca Seva Detect when a person is approaching the terminal through facial detection, detect if this particular person is wearing a face mask,
provide a basic touch-less input interface in order to minimize surface contact with the skin (gesture recognition capable)
Python, Motion Sensor Library README
FightPandemics snowiesuet
I've volunteered in a project for fighting the current pandemic. This project aims to build a community where people can request or offer help in it!
Outdoor Inspiration luisaugusto A new tab extension that displays photos and descriptions of US National Parks. Chrome Extensions, Vue, Netlify README
Smeargle naclEric Smeargle is a photo gallery web application that uses localStorage to store images. README
Serba-Serbi 48 Fadhillah C The "Serba-Serbi 48" project was created to enable people (48 groups) to get rid of boredom at home by looking at websites that contain information about 48 groups (for example: about akb48, etc.) and do not contain false news, and are made in a manner simple in one page. XAMPP, Laravel README
Open Source Finder skarthikeyan96 App which helps the user to find the beginner friendly open source issues based on the programming language which they like. README
Alexa Diagnose Hlev1 Alexa Diagnose is an Alexa skill that asks a patient a series of questions that gives the patient a diagnosis regarding how likely it is that they have COVID19. AWS, Maven, Docker, Java11, SAM CLI README
ui-diff albingroen React, Node README
BingeSquad Patrick Vigneault On the app you can publish or join events with random people, from watching a movie, to binging your favourite series, even an episode of an anime. README
Pokedex espitiaandres An interactive pokedex that lets the user catch and remove wild pokemon, and displays their statistics such as type, abilities, move, and so on. README
Convolutional Neural Network andreiczcz README
Product Hunt Client anesabml Unofficial android app client for Product Hunt. Android README
Pomodoify hrbengsten It's a relaxing and simple productivity app to boost your efficiency through the Pomodoro Technique and a rewarding progression system to make it fun and engaging. Firebase README
Timetable Generator with GCal mrdino2 A timetable generator that syncs with google calander using python Python README
Runwea Javier A. Barragan A basic Weather app with added Geolocation and a neat little feature that determines wheter or not it is the best time to go on a run. React, Weather APIs README
Pomodoro Sound Focus David Sasser A Pomodoro plus White Noise web application using Node and React React README
Notes App for Routine Dashboard Allen Sun A web app that aims to help people stay motivated and productive during quarantine Django, Bootstrap README
Maker William Huynh A web app to track projects that you work on using React React, Material UI, Firebase README
DRAVID-19 David Findley Web Pictionary with friends docker, Elm README
Mindful Shopping List App Sara Rwentambo A shopping list app that would encourage mindful shopping of clothes, items, and groceries. Flutter, Dart, Android README
CaptionIngo ZhFahim A website to get the perfect caption for your perfect photo. Node, ExpressJS, MongoDB README
The ultimate home security system™ Timothy Cole, Jack Douglas Automatic air-soft turret Raspberry Pi README
Digital Window Tommy Deng, Vivian Diec Digital Window aims to mimic a real window in situations where they are not available. It does so by transitioning between different images of the day depending on the current time. Next, Node README
Job Application Tracker Mikaela Caron Easy way for you to track your job applications iOS, UIKit README
Kanson Tyrng A Kanban Board with Masonry Layout Masonry README
My Diary lamirb591 SQL README
Horizon Hamzah Fayad A little drawing & todo WebApp Vue.js, MongoDB README
SpesApp harisont SpesApp is a grocery list app designed to help you avoid wasting food (and money!). README